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"THE BIG BANG" (2002) Boondock Records Buy It Now!!! +Shipping Direct From Boondock
Here at Boondock we want to know as little as possible about you, as we imagine you feel the same way. We arent like all those other companies who sell cd's online, so if you want one just Email us and we will tell you how you can get one.
-Please remember to give us your NAME
-And state your PAYMENT OPTIONS
no personal checks. Only Money Orders or Bank Checks Only |
Free Bootleg with all "Online Purchases"
Email us for a CD and with it will come a Bootleg copy of the new bangin hits coming up on the next album. To ensure Economic Value, Boondock Records has produced a limited supply of Class D & Pitchfork's "The Big Bang". Quantity is limited so order now! |
CD Release Party
The biggest party of the new year! Look out for this upcoming show, its not to be missed. |
Contact Us
Last Word
Email the crew so you can know about all the Class D shows, plus shows of others and local Jams. |

"Big Bang Theory"
Look for your copy!
Click here to listen!! |